** Countdown to our adoption: Only three days left before we get Matthew. **
BEIJING, China (Saturday, Dec. 6, 2008, 6:30 a.m.) – I have one comment after watching the Flying Acrobatics Show: Ouch.
I don’t know how they did it. Pam and I attended a 5:15 p.m. performance that lasted a short one hour. We enjoyed it, had great, center orchestra third-row seats, but wished it would have lasted longer.
The show capped a day that included a walk in the bitterly, sub-freezing cold through the Wangfujing shopping district. I have included two ALL-NEW slideshows in the rail on the left; here are a few more photos you might enjoy.
Photo 1: No trip to the Wangfujing shopping district would be complete without a stop at the open-air street vendors who sell such tasty snacks as starfish on a stick, grasshoppers on a stick and scorpions on a stick. Sorry, though: Pam and I just couldn’t bring ourselves to taste one.
Photo 2: Shops line the alley about a block off the main shopping district. Here, people sell trinkets, small gifts, you-name-it. And the sellers can be quite pushy and insistent. Pam and I didn’t succumb to the intense pressure to buy (possibly because it was so darn cold).
Photo 3: The exterior of this department store in the district shows the elaborate Christmas decorations here and across town.
Photo 4: Now on to the Flying Acrobatic Show. Here is one of the first performers. Pam and I rushed back to our hotel room and tried this same pose. It took Pam about five hours and a few crowbars to untangle me. I still hurt.
Photo 5: Don’t try this at home. I found this stunt so interesting, I placed an empty Chinese Coca-Cola can on the table in our room, placed a small board I found on top of it and then tried to balance myself as I stood -- crushing the can and making a fool of myself. I’m just not flexible enough. I need to stick to writing.
Photo 6: Don’t even ask me how they did this.
Photo 7: I’m still hurting from just watching this stunt. And while it may not seem so in the rather pitiful photos I took, I can assure you this was a G-rated family entertainment with fully clothed performers.
Photo 8: After the show, Pam and I headed next door to the Xiu Lan Restaurant for dinner. Here, Pam enjoys freshly-squeezed pineapple juice because she was a good girl.
Copyright 2008 by Terry R. Cassreino. All rights reserved.